The Maltese Youth Agency

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

Young People Trekking
Provides Opportunities

to explore new experiences

Young People Discussing in Group
Develops Spaces

to encourage dialogue

Young people in a learning activity
Empowers Young People

to explore new ways of learning

Supporting Youth Organisations

Youth led organisations and organisations working with and for young people can benefit from this support.

Register your youth organisation
Use our equipment
Book our activity centres


Quality Service Charter Logo

Aġenzija Zgħazagħ has achieved the Quality Label.

The Quality Label is a distinction awarded to departments and entities within the Public Administration, whose service delivery to customers reaches those standards of service defined through the 4 Pillars (voice and understanding the customer, design and implementation of policies and services that meet customer expectation, delivery of a quality service and accountability, where people become part of the excellence of the service provided), the 5 Quality Service Determinants as defined by the SERVQUAL quality model (Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, Assurance and Tangibles), Directive 4-2 and any other directives or policies which establish quality standards within the Public Administration. The English version of the Aġenzija Zgħazagħ Quality Service Charter can be downloaded from here, and the Maltese version can be downloaded from here​.

 With the achievement of the Quality Label, the Aġenzija Zgħazagħ is committing to ensure ongoing monitoring of the standards with the aim of retaining the Quality Label.   More information on the Quality Label can be accessed from here​.